Councillor Cui is Member of:
2025 Main Objectives:
2025 Community Activities:
Happy New Year of 2025! Best wishes to you and your family with a healthy and prosperous new year!
In January 2025, there were many important date acknowledged by the Ontario government ( including:
In the city of Richmond Hill, a few Thai Pongal celebration events were hosted by the Tamil community. In this month, Lunar New Year ( the Year of Snake) will be celebrated on January 29 and last for 15 days until February.
From city level:
Thank you!
Simon Cui
Richmond Hill Ward 4 Councillor
Cellphone: 437-326-0206
Chapter 1 Incoming Events in February 2025:
Richmond Hill 56h Winter Carnival
The 56th Richmond Hill Winter Carnival is set for Saturday, Feb. 1 & Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025 at Mill Pond Park, Mill and Trench streets! Free Admission. Enjoy Carnival Games & Prizes, Train Rides, Live Music, Kids Crafts, Face Painting, Rock Climbing Wall, Wing-Eating Contest, Saturday Spaghetti Dinner and Sunday Pancake Breakfast, plus so much more!
Date: Feb 1 & 2, 2025
Venue: Richmond Hill Mill Pond Park
Electric Charger station
The City is asking for your feedback to help inform the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Strategy, which will consider how EV and micromobility charge stations should be implemented and where they should be located in Richmond Hill.
Date: Tuesday, February 4 , 6 – 8 p.m.
Location: Bayview Hill Community Centre, 114 Spadina Road
Health & Wellness Workshop
Venue: Oak Ridges Community Centre
Hoot and Howl (Free Workshop)
Join the TRCA and the City of Richmond Hill as we embark on an exciting evening of exploration and discovery as we dive into the mysterious world of nocturnal wildlife! This fun-filled night begins with an engaging presentation about the fascinating owls and coyotes that roam Southern Ontario. We will end the night with a walk together, listening for the eerie hoots of owls and the distant howls of coyotes, creating an unforgettable adventure for nature lovers of all ages.;event=hoot-and-howl-22;instance=20250207183000?lang=en-US
Date:Friday, February 7, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Venue: Elgin West Community Cente - 11099 Bathurst St
Business Plan Builder Series
This virtual workshop series is designed to help new and existing small business owners to gain an understanding of the key components of writing a meaningful business plan, as well as provide entrepreneurs with the essential knowledge and skills to grow and succeed.
Comprehensive Zoning By-law For Richmond HIll’s Neighbourhoods VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSES
Join us to discuss and learn more about the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the city’s Neighbourhoods. In an effort to engage as many residents as possible, two virtual open houses will be held and will focus on different areas of the city’s Neighbourhoods. Residents are welcome to attend one or both open houses.
Thursday, January 30, 7 – 9 p.m. (focusing on areas south of Elgin Mills Road)
Thursday, February 13, 7 – 9 p.m. (focusing on areas north of Elgin Mills Road)
Zoom meeting: registration is required.
Chapter 2 Community, City and Regional Service Changes
City of Richmond Hill Service Charter
The Service Charter sets out clear expectations of the City's service standards. Our pledges outline our customer service promises to residents when they interact with the City. Our service commitments sets tangible deliverables the public can expect. For specific service commitments, visit related services pages.
Our Service Commitments
Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, except for statutory holidays and unless other times are posted.
By phone
A customer service advisor is available to help you Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For most inquiries, you will hear from us within two to five business days.
By email, online or mail
For most inquiries, you will hear from us within two business days.
By social media
Social media communication services are available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).
Communication that presents a service opportunity will be responded to within 24 business hours. Acknowledged requests will be provided within five business days. Responses might be provided in other communication channels.
RHPL On the Go express kiosks in Ward 4:
Richmond Hill Public Library has recently launched RHPL On the Go express kiosks at two key community locations including Elgin West Community Centre and Pool. These kiosks make it easier than ever for residents to borrow and return library books, bringing the convenience of our library services directly to their neighborhoods. We will be launching and promoting these to the public starting the first week of February.
The kiosks are available to library members and are a quick, easy way for constituents to access library materials while on the go. All they need to do is scan their library card, select a book, and close the door. The items are automatically checked out to their card, making the process smooth and efficient.
Approved and incoming proposals on Elgin Mill W, Canyons, Brookside and Yonge area:
1. 112 Elgin Mills Road West
ZBLA-24-0017, SUB-24-0005,
14796721 Canada Corp. (Owner)
A request for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan to permit the construction of a residential townhouse development consisting of 15 townhouse units, located within three blocks, and fronting onto a private road on the Subject Lands.
Jan 17 2025
15 townhouse will go to councill in April 2025
2. 47 and 59 Brookside Road; 11014, 11044 and 11076
Yonge Street; and, 12 and 24 Naughton Drive
OPA-24-0007 and ZBLA-24-0013
Yonge MCD Inc. C/O Armour Heights
Developments (Owner)
A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit the construction of a medium and high density residential/community use development comprised of five (5) high-rise residential buildings of 29, 31, 33, 38 and 49 storeys, as well as 45 townhouse dwelling units and two (2) community centres on the subject lands. The development is proposed to have a total of 1,850 units and a gross floor area of 174,675 square metres (1,880,186 square feet) at a Floor Space Index of 6.8. A total of 1,348 parking spaces are also proposed.
Jan 17, 2025
- City has approved previous proposal with most of houses and senior building, but a new proposal received for the following:
- 29, 31, 33, 38, 49 as total storeys
45 townhouse, and 1850 units, will go to public meeting in a few months
3. 24 Brookside Road
OPA-24-0008 and ZBLA-24-0015
Monage Corp. (Owner)
A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a high density residential development comprised of a 23 storey apartment building on a six (6) storey podium with a gross floor area of 17,015 square metres (183,148 square feet) and a density of 7.33 Floor Space Index, containing 207 residential apartment dwelling units and 186 parking spaces on the subject lands.
Jan 17, 2025
will go to public meeting in 1-2 months
- 23 storyes, 207 units
4. 10684 and 10692 Yonge Street
D01-20004, D02-20010
Sabella Ridge Estates Inc.
A request for approval of an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the development of a high density residential development comprised of a 25 storey apartment building consisting of 248 apartment units, 261 parking spaces, a gross floor area of 19,043 square metres (204,977.15 square feet) and an FSI of 3.49.
Approved already
Jan 17, 28 storeys, 248 units
5. 50, 54, 62, 72, 78 and 86 Elgin Mills Road West
OPA-24-0010 & ZBLA-24-0018
Record # 348724, 348725
The Biglieri Group Ltd.
A request for approval of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit the construction of a 7-storey residential building with a proposed gross floor area of 16,956 square metres (182,512.87 square feet) and 227 apartment dwelling units.
Jan 17, 2025
The pubic meeting will be either March or April
- 7 storeys 227 unit
6. west side of Yonge Street and south of Canyon Hill
Avenue 10920 and 10900 Yonge Street
D01-19003, D02-19016 and
a proposal has been put forward for a high-density, mixed-use development to be constructed in two phases. In this regard, a Site Plan application has been submitted with respect to Phase 1 of the development (corner of Yonge Street and Canyon Hill) (City File D06-21073), which comprises 2 towers, 23 and 30 storeys in height that are connected by a 4 storey podium as well as retail commercial uses at-grade. This Site Plan application remains in process at this time. A separate, future Site Plan application will be required with respect to the proposed second phase of the development.
Approved already
Jan 17, 2025
- 23 and 30 storyes
- 2 more high building coming
7. 11160 Yonge Street (North side of Brookside)
2020 proposal, 3 buildings as 18/35/15 storeys
2021 proposal, 3 buildings as 7/27/29 storeys
2023 new proposal, 3 buildings as 12/15/22
Update: development was approved by the OLT in February
2024.The three towers were approved at 22, 15 and 12
Approved already
Jan 17, 2025
- 22 , 15 and 12 storeys
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Simon Cui